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OSV: How two social innovators are making co-working spaces more accessible for everyone

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

Welcome to Our Social Voices! This is our blog series for social innovators, community leaders, and the people who dare to step out of their comfort zones with the audacity to use their talents and make a difference. Meet us here every week to learn about the superheroes who are doing amazing things and helping us build better communities for the future. We'll give you an inside look into their projects, and mission; As we feature the best ideas and ventures that you often do not hear or know enough about. So let's dig in...

Our launch week is still in full effect! Last week we hosted our launch event at Venture Cafe Miami and it was nothing short of amazing. Our audience was very engaging and got a chance to meet two of Miami’s young leaders; one of which is Jeanine Suah, who’s story we’re excited to share with you today!

I met Jeanine and her Co-Founder Maghan earlier this year, we took an impact validation course together at The Idea Center, as we worked on our concepts. They are full of energy and excitement, so it is no surprise that such energy is being poured into their business venture. If you ask her, she will tell you that she’s a “ go-giving entrepreneur who uses the world as inspiration for community innovation. She lives by the motto "Always give more in value than you receive in payment" and is an avid believer in the Experience Economy.” She’s is a business adrenaline junkie who trusts that genuine relationship-building is the key to success. Jeanine partnered with Maghan in 2017 to create “The Doyenne Company”— which is a pop-up coworking platform for badass women in business. They are now working on an affordable workspace concept called Thynk Global, coming to Little River in 2020.

It is always a treat to have the opportunity of working on something that you’re passionate about. Jeanine and Maghan have a passion for helping us solve some of the social and economic issues that we face today. They define Thynk Global as “an affordable coworking space that helps entrepreneurs, side-hustlers, and small business owners get sh*t done without breaking the bank. Thynk Global creates more opportunity and economic diversity by making the workplace more accessible to start-ups, entrepreneurs, and freelancers.” You may learn more about this concept on their website, HERE.

Our communities can always play a bigger role in our young leader’s journeys. One of the best ways that we can help them grow is by sharing their stories and helping them create meaningful connections to help them fulfill their mission. Please see how to connect with Jeanine and Maghan, don’t be shy...hello! You may also email them here,

Thanks for joining us for Vol. 1 of OSV’s launch week! Guess what? Remember we got to meet two amazing social innovators last week. Stay tuned for our next blog post in this series to know who else we’re excited about...

We are dedicated to building amazing communities and a thriving social entrepreneurship ecosystem. Are you a social innovator or community leader we should know about? Send us a note, click here.

Notes from the author: Emmanuel is a creator who's passionate about social entrepreneurship and community building. He is a seasoned entrepreneur with 15+ years of business and professional experience. Over the years, he's valued the opportunity to do business and learn from various industries such as banking, sales, marketing, real estate, and management. You may connect with him by clicking here.

For upcoming workshops and events, check out our community events page by clicking here.

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